Fantasy World - Chapter 2 (Older Edition)
Arriving at the throne room, Han saw that Helania and Queen were waiting for him. The two of them looked to be prepared and ready to face whatever the world threw at them.
Considering the ability to materialize items, they wouldn't need to bring general supplies when traveling around the world, like back on Earth. He remembered when he would go camping with his friends, the amount of time and preparation that was needed getting to the site and getting everything ready when they arrived. Technically, they could just teleport to The Stronghold when they needed to rest, but that didn’t feel like a fun idea. Maybe if he became bored with rucking it, Han would just teleport himself back to allow the enjoyment of creature comforts and the massive bed.
Thinking about the bed brought up thoughts of cuddling with Helania, Queen, or both at once in a sensual cuddle pile. This was probably what was different about the things he had read or watched, versus experiencing such things in the real world. Han never understood why the main characters would hold themselves back, and act all wishy-washy when it came to relationships.
If they are OP, they should just enjoy all the benefits that came along with it, instead of restraining themselves. He knew that if he asked any of his creations to lay with him, they would be ecstatic and enthusiastic at the opportunity.
“Master, we are ready to depart, at your command,” Helania informed him, as he neared her. Standing next to Helania, Queen looked eager at the prospect of traveling with him.
Chuckling at Queen’s expression, Han asked, “are you looking forward to seeing the outside world?”
“Compared to the world you have created inside here, I do not believe that anything out there could compare. I merely look forward to being by my Master’s side, ready for any of his needs.” Queen answered, shyly bowing her head.
Han didn’t miss how she blushed before she was able to tilt her head down trying to hide her expression. It was adorable the way she reacted around him.
To allow for easier viewing, Han projected an image of the kingdom from an aerial view. “We are currently located here, where the red dot is located." He said, pointing at the spot. "I’m curious to see what the nearest village looks like, so we will teleport ourselves a little ways away and enter the village. To allow for an authentic experience, remember not to create any disturbances that would reveal ourselves unless the situation calls for it. I doubt that those in this world are comparable to our abilities, a reason for secrecy.”
“Master, we shall follow your command. It would be an insult to you, our Creator, for those pests to think they could reach your perfection. They should be grateful that you would even consider walking amongst them.” Helania said.
“I agree, Master!” Queen added in, fervently.
Laughing at how serious they looked, Han quietly said, “Remember that we are doing this to enjoy ourselves. The idea of walking around this world with my bewitching creations is something I am looking forward to.”
He smiled at them and twitched his finger upwards, to have them come to him.
Trying to hide their smiling faces, they gracefully walked to him. Reaching out, his arms held their waist on either side of him, allowing for the sensation of warmth from their bodies to be felt through the fabric. Leaning his head to the nape of Queen’s neck, he breathed in the womanly smell. Kissing it tenderly he also enjoyed lightly licking her, feeling her smooth skin with his tongue.
“Master~~~, I thought we were going to the village.” Queen shyly squirmed in pleasure and light grinding her hips against him.
Pulling away and enjoying Queen's disappointed sigh, Han ordered Helania, “Take us to just outside of the village.”
Instantly, the three of them were standing on a grassy field and could see, off in the distance, signs of a community.
Walking towards the village, they noticed that there was a primitive wall surrounding it. Seeing it up close, the quality of it looked relatively cheap as if trees were chopped down and after removing the branches they were tied together. The bark of the tree was still on it, which appeared unusual considering historical pictures Han had seen before while checking out various websites.
Han wondered if the period he was in was the cause or if the village wasn’t wealthy enough to afford a stronger wall. Looking to his left, Han noticed a path that led up to an entrance that had people with weapons guarding it.
Judging by their appearance, they were likely militia, not part of a formally trained unit. The guards just had an assortment of equipment for protection, in addition to flimsy looking spears.
“Hold it right there!” One of the guards yelled as Han, Helania, and Queen approached them.
Han tried to hold back from laughing, due to how ridiculous their mannerisms were standing guard of the village. Did they think they would be able to protect anything?
Signaling for Helania and Queen to hold, they waited for the guard to approach them.
“What business do you have?” The guard asked him.
Han noticed the guard looking at his creations. By the guards, poorly hidden, lewd expression, Han could tell that the guard found the two attractive. Seeing such poorly hidden lust didn’t bother him though he imagined the guard would regret ogling his possessions if a demonstration of his powers were made.
“My companions and I are travelers, and upon seeing this village, we thought to check it out. We’re here out of mere curiosity.” Han said.
The guard considered his answer, and replied, “There is a fee to enter the village for new-comers. It will be 50 coppers, for each person.”
Han thought it interesting how the currency was similar to games and light novels. It made sense, copper being a precious metal, but just interesting how it was related to things he had enjoyed reading.
The only problem was his lack of any currency, so he just created gold. Reaching into his pocket a gold nugget was pulled out. Opening up the hand to reveal the precious metal, Han showed the guard the large gold nugget.
By the guard’s reaction, the amount was something he hadn’t seen before. “My-my Lord, I a-a-apologize for my behavior!!” He stuttered, afraid that he had offended someone powerful.
“You gave no offense,” Han said, waving his hands to let the guard understand that it was all water under the bridge. Han did wonder what this person would think if they knew what Han could do if he were offended. The start of an idea of seeing the guard's spine pulled out through their mouth crossed Han's mind. Thinking it would cause too many annoyances, Han dismissed the idea though the thought did make him grin viciously.
Seeing Han grinning, bullets of sweat started to appear on the guard's face.
The second guard looked confused by his buddy’s response, so he walked up to them to find out what was going on. Seeing the gold nugget in Han’s hand, all the blood drained from the second guard’s face. It looked like the second guard would faint, after seeing such wealth being casually presented.
"Sir, I’m sorry to say that I can't provide change for that amount!" He wiped some of the sweat off from his forehead. "So please feel free to continue to our humble village, my lord, and his ladies.” The guard attempted to compose himself. Even though he looked like a militiaman, he seemed to have some professionalism in him.
Laughing softly, Han just said, “Do not worry about change. Even with this amount, I will be fine. Divide it amongst the two of you, and give it to your family if you have any. I’m sure they would appreciate it.” After placing it in the guard’s outstretched hands, the three of them continued to the village.
“Master, you are a benevolent creator. Those cretins do not deserve your compassion.” Queen spoke in a low voice. The interaction between those two guards bothered her, compelling her to comment on it. Such insolence was something she would like to deal with but didn’t want to go against her beloved Creator.
“I agree, Master. You should have allowed Queen and me to wipe those insignificant creatures into oblivion.” Helania concurred.
Raising his hand, to indicate he didn’t want them to continue, Han said, “The both of you understand why we are out here. I only want to observe what it is like out here, so that kind of action could ruin my fun.”
“Yes, Master.” Both of them said, ashamed about being reprimanded and feeling like they had disappointed him.
Once past the entrance, Han looked around at the village. The houses looked like they could fall apart, even by a stiff breeze. Though it seemed like this world had some concept of structural engineering, considering they were built using some kind of brick and the roofs had shingles.
He expected the top of the houses to be created by thatching, but it looked like the technology in this kingdom had progressed. Though the homes and walls looked dilapidated, the villagers seemed to be in good spirits. They went about their daily tasks with a smile on their faces, though you could tell that work had taken a toll on them.
Compared to his previous life on Earth, even with the job being tough at times, average people didn’t appear to look as aged as these villagers did. It made him think about whether those on Earth were like that due to better, overall, nutrition or the typical work was more straightforward with the assistance of technological improvements.
Near the center of the community, there was some family who looked to be preparing meals in a communal kitchen, likely for a midday meal. Seeing them getting ready to eat, made him think about Brittany.
“Brittany.” He thought in his mind.
A gentle voice responded to his thought, “Master, is there anything you require from me?”
“I was just thinking about you, and how I would enjoy a steak dinner when I’m ready for my meal. Have the chef think up a good steak meal. I will contact you when I am hungry. Also, inform the chef that I will need two additional meals prepared since Helania and Queen are accompanying me.” He informed her.
“I eagerly await your command. I will notify the chef about your wishes.” Brittany acknowledged, respectfully.
The ability to just speak to whoever he wanted was extremely convenient, especially compared to using a phone. Instead of going through the whole process of selecting an individual, he could now just think of the person and begin talking.
With his creations, they would prioritize him over anything they were doing. Han wondered if this is how a CEO or high executive’s life was, where everyone, within the sphere of influence, bent to his will. The difference was probably related to the fact that his creations would do anything, with near religious zeal to fulfill the wish. There was no doubt about their motives, unlike even a lot of actual religious figures. If he were to ask them to kill themselves, they would probably do it with a smile on their face.
As he walked, villagers would often glance at them, trying to figure out who they were. Just looking at their outfit would indicate that there was a difference in socio-economical standings. He was sure that his current outfit, the same outfit from Earth, and his creations’, the ones he created, looked far superior regarding material and quality.
With a wave of his hands, Han could have changed their entire situation, but the thought failed to interest him. It was like playing a video game, and going into the code to make alterations. What would be fun in doing that?
He glanced at one of the older women, who was carrying a large basket on her head. Nothing stood out about her, but her look of determination in the face of everything made him notice her.
Approaching the woman, Han quietly took the basket off of her head. She looked startled by the action, wondering who the hell he was.
“Lady, please allow me to carry this for you.” He gently smiled at her, oozing with charm.
Looking confused, all she could say was, “M-my lord, there is no need for you to do this!”
“What kind of man would I be, if I allowed such a dazzling lady carry such a heavy burden?” He softly spoke to her. “Where are you taking this, so that I may send it to its destination?” Han inquired, stopping her from any further protest.
“I need to take these to my neighbor's house.” She said. Her voice sounded like she didn't want to fight the matter and just went with the flow. Seeing him indicate that he would be following her, the woman continued to walk. Both hands were clasped together, in front of her, as she led the way.
Looking closer at the woman, Han guessed that she was in her mid-thirties. She had her hair tied in a single braid that went all the way down to the base of her back. It gently swung back and forth, to the rhythm of her steps. Her outfit was a one-piece dress, looking very conservative with how the skirt went down to her ankles, and sleeves covered her arms. Even though she looked older, her ass was shapely and probably maintained by her continuous working environment.
“Why are you taking,” looking down he noticed it was various roots and plants, “plants to your neighbor’s?” he inquired.
Looking back at him, she replied, “I go out of the village to gather various plants and herbs. The villagers pay me a couple of coppers for my services. It allows me to have a little bit to stash pay the taxes to the crown or I need to purchase from a traveling merchant.”
“That is rather commendable, for a lady such as yourself.” He told her, marginally impressed by how hard these people worked to survive. It made him wonder whether this was the case for most of the residents of this world.
Inclining her head forward again, she said, “I'm no lady, my lord. I'm just a simple village woman.”
Smiling at her humility, he asked, “Do you have a husband or family to help you in your endeavors?”
Looking down, she murmured, “my husband was killed by a monster in the forest near here. He would hunt them to gather various parts to trade with the traveling merchant. Before my husband passed, my family succumbed to a sickness that hit this village, several years ago."
Though this sounded like a painful memory, her voice didn’t fluctuate much. Maybe due to how difficult her life was already, and being numb to her present life circumstances.
Gathering all these plants, for just a few coppers sounded like a very arduous task. His parents were very similar, having to work hard for meager pay compared to his friends’ parents, who were often financially well off.
Even with all his powers, he couldn’t shake off the memories of his past and how powerless he often felt. The world felt like a playground for only a few, while everyone else was abandoned to squeeze out a living.
He remembered having to sleep in his car, while he was attending school, cause he couldn’t afford a place to stay. A friend of his offered him to sleep on the floor, for no rent, but his roommates demanded payment.
Even though these people considered themselves to be pious individuals, they still demanded his money to pay for living like a homeless person. Scenarios like these made him question humanity, and how they claimed to be altruistic but were self-serving.
Reaching their destination, the woman knocked on the door of her neighbor. A fairly nice looking man and a woman answered the door. As soon as they saw who it was, their faces revealed a hidden look of disgust. It wasn’t enough to make it visible, but Han had seen enough people look at him that way to be able to recognize it.
“I have returned with the food you have requested.” the woman said, trying to sound upbeat and ignore the reception she was receiving.
Glancing over at the basket he was carrying, the woman sneered and said, “You expect us to give you money for these? They look all butchered by your poor gathering skills.”
“Even the last ones we requested were all torn up and low quality,” the man chimed in. Looking annoyed, he sighed, “Though they look horrible, I'll at least give you a piece of copper for the bunch. I don’t want other people to accuse me of theft.” He went back into his home and came back with a single copper piece. Tossing it onto the ground in front of the woman, he said, “Next time, I expect you to do a better job or else we won’t give you even a single copper. I’m sure others would be eager for my hard earned money and put in more effort and care into their work.”
The woman bent down and picked up the single copper coin, from the ground. She didn’t defend herself, and instead just took the abuse the couple was giving her. “Thank you, for your patronage,” she said and took the basket from Han's hands to present it to the couple.
Receiving the basket, the couple went in and slammed the door on her. Turning towards Han and his creations, she smiled and said, “My Lord, thank you for your assistance. If there’s anything I could assist you on, please let me know.”
“Would you know if this village had an inn?” He asked her, trying not to embarrass her after witnessing everything.
“I’m sorry, but our village isn’t large enough to have an inn. Most people pass our village, instead choosing to head to their destination. Even the merchant that comes around will camp outside with his armed guards.” She answered, apologetically. Seeing his frown, she said, “I hope this isn’t presumptuous, but if my lord and my ladies are willing I offer my home.”
“We would be honored, by your gracious offer.” He said appreciatively.
Following the woman, Han and his creations were led by the woman to her home. Though she stated that she was taking those plants to her neighbors, her home was several houses away.
The term, neighbor, likely referred to anyone in the village. Compared to the others, her home was smaller with only one window next to the door. Her home looked plain on the outside just like all the others, with a simple thatched roof.
Entering into the house, they saw part living room and dining room setup. There seemed to be a door that, presumably, led to a bedroom. The lack of a kitchen could be connected with the communal kitchen area. Against the wall was a place for various food ingredients, but nothing like a refrigerator to keep the items fresh. He didn't even notice a root cellar, which meant people here must have high spoilage for food.
Only a carpet helped to break up the image of the dreary residence. A lone chair next to a small poorly hand made table was a good indication of how often she entertained guests.
Helania moved closer to Han. “Master, I do not think we should stay here. I can take us back to the stronghold, and you could sleep in your chambers. This place does not suit a being such as yourself.” She urged.
“I do not mind staying here. I find this to be amusing, and the woman intrigues me.” He informed her, as he placed a hand on her arm and ending any further discussion.
“As you wish.” Helania intoned. Though not satisfied with the situation it was her Master’s wish.
The woman looked back at them, looking embarrassed. “I apologize for my home. Ever since I began living on my own, this size is all that I can afford.” She tried to explain.
“Nonsense. You are generous with your hospitality, allowing us to stay here when we have only just met.” Han said. “If you have not eaten yet, please allow me to express our appreciation for your consideration.” He estimated that it was slightly after midday now, so it wasn’t likely that she had eaten if she spent her morning gathering those plants.
Looking perplexed, the woman exclaimed, “My lord, how can I expect you to prepare a meal for me?!”
“I will not hear another word. Do not concern yourself, and just enjoy my humble meal.” Han said.
"Brittany, I would like you to bring me four steak meals. Also, include a refreshing fruit drink. Also, bring all the necessary things for four people.” Han commanded his personal maid.
“Yes, Master! I will bring everything to you, forthwith.” Brittany said.
Waving his hand, Han made two comfortable looking sofas appear. The woman was startled by the sudden appearance of the two sofas. Sitting down with Queen on his left and Helania on his right, Han relaxed on the couch and pulled the two towards him. They both squealed in delight, from the sudden public display of affection.
Seeing the woman looking dazed, he laughed and said, “have a seat. I assure you that these sofas are extremely comfortable to sit on.” He attempted to reassure her.
Sitting down, and sinking into the sofa, the woman dazedly asked, “how did you make these appear?”
“I’m sure you understand that magic exists, correct?” He inquired, and seeing her nod her head he continued. “You can think of me as being a simple magician. My companions [glancing at Helania and Queen] and I are just taking in the sights of this Kingdom, and happen upon this village.” The way he said it made everything sound like such a simple task, which it was but not for a human.
“I’ve never seen someone able to perform this kind of magic before.” She trying to understand what he was saying.
“Just think of this as being a minor thing. Aside from this, I have another thing I want to demonstrate to show my appreciation.” He clapped his hands.
A portal opened up, and several waitresses emerged out of the void bringing a table, silverware, and elaborate dining accessories. With machine precision and graceful movements, everything was properly arranged. They then curtsied to him before proceeding into the portal.
Brittany then came out with a single dish, for him, and was followed by other waitresses carrying in numerous food items. The waitresses and Brittany went to stand to the side so they could be ready to return anything needed.
Sweeping his hand to indicate everything, Han asked, “I hope this is all to your taste? If the food is not to your liking, the waitresses can bring a different dish.”
Rubbing his hands, in anticipation, Han began cutting up the steak and eating a piece. The beef was cooked to perfection, and he smiled at how amazing it tasted.
Seeing that he had started eating, both Helania and Queen began eating. They looked elegant, the way they moved their fork and knife. With their mannerism, anyone would have thought them to be nobility.
The woman initially hesitated but seeing them eating she also tried the food. When the steak went into her mouth, the taste was nothing like she had experienced before. Even back when her husband was able to bring in meat, it didn’t taste anything like what she was eating.
It dissolved in her mouth, barely needed to chew with how tender was the meat. Looking at her plate, she was startled to see teardrops falling onto the food. Touching her face, she realized that she was crying. This was the first time that anyone had done such a kind thing.
The way the couple treated her was very much the same experience all throughout the village. She was treated with contempt and seen as an eyesore, probably due to not having any family support. Lately, the food was primarily comprised of what she was able to gather in the forest.
After swallowing the meat and trying the other items, even the vegetables on her plate blew away anything she had eaten before.
Watching how the woman reacted to the food, Han found it adorable and endearing. It was a pleasure to see someone enjoying food to such a degree. Thinking back to the rest of the village, it was doubtful that her life in this village was simple. “I am glad that you are enjoying your food. You should also try the fruit juice.” He advised while smiling.
Queen looked confused by how the woman was eating. The fact that this woman was allowed to eat with her Master was beyond what this single-celled organism deserved. Her Master was so caring and thoughtful, to even think about this lowly being.
Feelings and admiration for her Creator grew to new heights, her body shivering in pleasure just thinking how he personally molded her into existence. It made the desire to summon a legion of skeletons and raze this village build up inside, seeing the level of disrespect directed at the object of her devotion.
Sensing Queen's mindset, Han placed his hand on her thigh, caressing it and feeling the squirm of enjoyment. It was obvious that he was getting a reaction out of her.
He enjoyed watching the level of self-control as she held herself back, especially in front of an outsider.
“I am terribly sorry, but I forgot to introduce myself and ask for your name. I am Han, and [indicating to Queen] this is Queen and [placing a hand on Helania] this is Helania. They are my dear companions.” Smiling and feeling proud of his works.
Putting down her utensils, the woman bowed her head and said, “My Lord, I am called Elis. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. Your kindness knows no bound.”
Seeing him indicate for her to lift her head and to continue eating, she tackled the remaining food on her plate and drank the fruit juice. The drink was refreshing. Compared to fruits she had eaten before, there was more depth to the flavor.
“Where did these nobles come from, to have such amazing magical abilities and food?” Elis thought to herself. From tales she had heard from merchants, there were some mages in the capital, but the term magician was not one she was familiar with. "Are magicians stronger than mages or sorcerers?" Being inside of a small village didn’t allow for much exposure to the world, so she found this all surreal.
After they had eaten, he had Brittany bring them tea to help digest the meal. Drinking the tea enabled him not to feel the usual food coma he would feel, after such a feast.
While they drank their tea, Han discussed with Elis about basic things in this world. He had a general understanding, from what the system provided him with but not a detailed picture.
“Are all the villages similar to this one?” Han asked.
“No, my lord. Due to how far away this village is to the capital and with few resources, we don’t get a lot of merchants or travelers coming here. We make enough from trade to survive, relatively at least, but nothing like the towns and villages towards the center of the kingdom.” She spoke, sounding a little forlorn.
Placing his hand on this chin, Han mulled over this. He then said, “This probably means that the more interesting things are closer or at the capital.” Considering it was still ways until nightfall, Han believed they could continue with their travels.
It wouldn’t be so bad to enjoy the beautiful weather and travel, instead of just appearing in the capital.
“Hmmm...” He continued to think about this. Reaching a decision, he looked at Elis and asked. “Elis, how would you like to travel with us and see the rest of the kingdom?”
“M-my Lord??” Elis asked, surprised by this invitation.
“From what I’ve seen in this village, there isn’t much here for you. You have no strings keeping you attached to this dreary place, and the village doesn’t seem to treat you with the respect you deserve.
Also, I would enjoy having you around to help us with the local customs. I believe this would be beneficial for both parties.” He reassured her. Calmly, he blew into the teacup he was cradling in his hands, enjoying the warmth of the tea.
There was an enjoyable quality of drinking tea while talking about new events. A lot better than coffee, the way you get all jittery from the caffeine. Drinking the tea also gave you a semblance of looking calm and patient
After getting her cup filled with more tea, and lightly added with milk and honey, Elis brought the cup to her lips and drank the cleansing beverage. She was likely thinking about what life outside of the village would be like, no longer being verbally abused and getting to experience new and beautiful things. There were also memories of her past that would make her hesitate about moving forward.
Even with the pause and deliberation going through her mind, Han was confident that she was going to respond in a predictable way.
Looking like she made up her mind, Elis faced Han. She answered, “My Lord, please allow me to travel with you.”
“Fantastic!” Han said, clapping his hands.
Both Helania and Queen glanced at one another, enjoying their Master looking so happy. They didn’t understand why this woman needed to accompany them, but if their Master was pleased, then that was all that mattered.
The two of them could handle anything if this woman tried anything to harm their precious Master, so they weren’t concerned about this woman joining their group.
Looking around Elis’s home, Han said, “Unless there are any objects of sentimental value, you won’t be needing to worry about taking anything along with you." Looking over at Brittany, he said, "I will need you to prepare several outfits for Elis so that she will have something to change into. Make sure they are outfits that showcase her figure. She doesn’t need to look like some common village woman, any longer.”
“Yes, Master. I will have one of the tailors prepare a wide selection for you to approve. They will be ready by the end of the day.” Brittany informed him. Seeing that she was dismissed, she indicated for the other waitresses to begin removing the food items they brought.
Standing up, Han told them all, “unless there are any other issues we need to go over, I feel like it is time for us to depart from this vapid place.” Seeing Elis getting up and not refusing his idea, he nodded his head.
Both Helania and Queen got up and made no counterpoint as if his thoughts were only logical at the moment. Snapping his finger, Han made the two sofas vanish.
Elis didn’t react as strongly as she initially did when the couches appeared. Han thought that she would fit in with them well, unlike other humans.
Heading to the door, Queen had opened it for him already allowing him to walk out of the confining home.
This time when Han looked around at the village, he didn’t seem to see cheerful people but instead spiritless individuals who only cared about themselves. He snorted at this place and headed to the other entrance, which faced the direction of the capital.
Upon exiting the village and walking for several minutes, so that it was barely seen in the distance, he turned around and looked at the other three. “Though walking sounds fun, in theory, I think it may be better for us to travel on something with wheels.”
Twirling his finger, Han made a pitch black carriage appear. In front of the carriage was a four-footed dragon, slightly larger than a horse. Walking up to the dragon, Han scratched it behind its ears, as if it was a giant cat. The dragon made a purring noise, indicating its enjoyment of affection and attention.
In the driver's seat was a mature looking woman, dressed in a steampunk looking driver’s outfit. The expression she had would be described as the classic “resting bitch face,” which made her even more attractive looking. Looking at her, Han said, “You will be named Andrea, and from now on you will be my personal chauffeur.”
Andrea bowed her head, acknowledging her Master’s command. Like all his creations, she had decent combat ability. Instead of having a weapon, Andrea would be able to use close combat techniques. She would be similar to a monk in most MMORPG games, so even her clothing had high magical and physical defense and gloves with ridiculous attack power.
To help her with being a chauffeur, she could sense her surroundings, a nearly 500 miles away detection sphere. In addition to being able to detect oncoming attacks, this ability would allow her to map out the surroundings.
If she’s given a destination, she would be able to determine an optimal navigational route quickly. He also designed her to take in the ambient mana in the world as nourishment. This way, Andrea wouldn’t need to rest or eat, though she could if she wanted to, making her the most overpowered (OP) professional driver if you include all her abilities.
Helania moved to open up the door into the carriage so that they could enter.
Entering the vehicle, Han nodded at the interior looking spacious and plush. There were leather sofas, a leather chair, coffee tables, and a mini dining area. This was not the usual transportation ride, using the same ability as the stronghold where the exterior did not reflect the interior.
From the outside, the size of the vehicle looked like a common carriage you would expect on Earth, but the inside was comparable to a pool house. There were plenty of windows so that you could view the outside of the carriage, but since the interior was like a separate dimension, there was no feeling of motion.
It felt like when someone watched the TV of someone traveling, where the experience felt surreal. Glancing over, he curiously watched Elis’s expression and enjoyed how she marveled about everything.
“Brittany, bring some refreshments and fruit here.” He ordered not paying attention to a reply.
Sitting down on the leather seat, he enjoyed the way the leather cushions embraced him. This seat gave him a full view of the carriage’s interior.
The way the landscape passed by, it made him feel like he was going backward. Helania and Queen sat on the sofa to his left, opposite of the entrance, while Elis sat by herself on the couch to his right.
The way the interior was set up looked similar to those large, expensive RVs that politicians used, as they crossed the United States for national elections. The difference was that this place didn’t have beds and kitchen, just having a lounge and dining area.
Part of him felt he should materialize a cigar since it looked like those upscale cigar lounges, he and his friends would frequent during college. They would pretend to be wealthy CEOs as they checked out the serving girls, who wore skimpy outfits since that’s what rich old guys liked to look at.
After some time, Brittany materialized with a large tray with a large bowl, along with four smaller empty plates, of fruits and four glasses, filled with some kind of beverage. She placed the tray on top of the coffee table and proceeded to bring each of them a drink.
Seeing that his chair didn’t have a glass holder, he modified the leather seat to have one. He tasted the liquid and thought it similar to a traditional sweet tea, placing the cup into the holder.
He saw Brittany begin to dish out various fruits into each of the empty bowls. She walked over and placed the plate on the small seat table, on his left side. In the bowl was sliced strawberries, honeydew, pineapple, and apples. There were also grapes, which were still on the vine. Once Brittany completed her task of distributing the dishes to everyone, she came on stood next to him on his left.
“Master, if you would like, I can feed you the fruits for your convenience?” Brittany forwardly asked him, attempting to look professional though failing to hide looking forward to providing such services.
Even though she didn’t need to do this, it was a nice feeling that she wanted to spoil him. He wondered if this was how Roman Emperors felt, having people feed them snacks into their mouth.
Sliding a hand up her thigh and feeling the ample and round ass, he enjoyed the feel of squeezing the cheek furthest from him. Savoring the feeling of the velvety and bubbly posterior, he nodded consent to the offer.
From the way she quivered, Han could tell that she was happy being able to personally serve him. When she placed one of the grapes into his mouth, he enjoyed how juicy and sweet the fruit was and sucked on index finger used that had a little juice on it. His tongue lightly touched her finger while encircling it.
Releasing Brittany's finger from his mouth, Han looked to his guest. “Elis, are you enjoying yourself?” He asked, who was blissfully eating the fruit.
Blushing from being asked while she was showing such a sight, gorging on exquisite fruits, Elis said, “My lord, I have never eaten such sweet fruits in my entire life! Even this carriage looks magical, how it is so much large inside compared to how it looks from the outside!”
The innocent wonder was very endearing and made him happy that be able to show someone in this world such joy. Just having this power and hogging it for only himself and his creations didn’t seem like the right thing to do. It would be good to show off to at least a few humans, or non-humans, his wealth, and power. “Didn’t everyone enjoy showing off now and then?” He thought to himself.
“It is a simple ability of mine. I am happy that you are enjoying the ride and food. Do not hold yourself back if you feel yourself being thirsty or hungry. The food is something we have plenty in stock, so if there is a particular meal you enjoy just make a request.”
Thinking about it for a second, Han said, “Brittany, have two maids come here to look after Elis.”
“As my Master commands, I shall obey.” Brittany then looked like she was speaking to someone, when, suddenly, two cute near identical maids appeared. The one on the left had ruby red hair and the second one had jet black hair.
The two maids faced him and curtsied. “Master, we are here to serve.” They said in unison in the way that only identical twins can say.
“You two are adorable looking. Have you chosen your names?” He asked, laughing at their blushing faces after having received a compliment from their Creator.
“My name is Cindy, Master,” said the red-haired maid.
“My name is Mindy, Master,” said the black haired maid.
“I have summoned the two of you to look after Elis, and fulfill her various requests,” Han explained to the two young maids.
“My lord, you don’t need to go so far for me!” Elis tried to protest, realizing what was happening. She looked horrified at the idea of being assigned people to wait on her.
“Nonsense!" He flicked a hand. "Just let them know if there are any foods that you’re interested in eating. They will also help you with bringing you your clothes once they are ready.” He explained to her.
Though he could’ve had Brittany bring Elis various foods and items, he didn’t feel like sharing his personal maid. While he was moving his hand around the different parts of her ass, he felt liquid dripping down her leg. Thinking for a second, Han realized that Brittany was extremely wet down there.
“Someone is having indecent thoughts,” Han chuckled at Brittany.
Squirming her body in embarrassment, Brittany said, “But Master, your hand sends shivers throughout my body. I’m sorry for being such a dirty maid.”
“Now. Now. I’m glad that my beautiful little Brittany is feeling so aroused. Feeling such a wonderful thing is a pleasure I can not ignore.” He gently smacked her ass, affectionately.
Looking at Helania and Queen, they were looking at Brittany with jealousy, likely wishing they could trade places with her. With such woman around, how could he not feel loved and appreciated? If his guest was not with them, there would time for several hours of group activities. A sigh escaped, thinking of such an opportunity wasted. Making a mental note, enjoying the three of them would be necessary when the time permits.
“Master, up ahead there is a large number of people quickly heading towards a relatively large caravan.” Andrea alerted him.
Blinking in surprise at such news, he asked, “How far away are they?”
“It is about thirty miles in front of us. What are your orders?” Andrea's voice was robotic as if she felt apathy to the new development.
Leaning back into the chair to give the information some thought, the question was whether helping was the right response. The issue wasn’t whether they were able to assist them, but whether this kind of support would be beneficial to his enjoyment.
He was hoping to head to a relatively large village and see if the people there were better than the place Elis came from, but maybe such taking a gander would reveal something pleasant. Shrugging his shoulders, Han commanded, “Speed up and catch up to them. If something happens, before we can get there, then it’s none of my concern.”
The carriage speeding up, to fairly dangerous speeds, was detected as Andrea followed through with the order. Inside the carriage, there was no change, so none of the others knew that they were racing down the road towards a fight. When he arrived, the idea of using the word “fight” was silly considering how it would be more like a “slaughter.”
Samantha was sitting next to her mother, frightened by how quickly the wagon was going. Shouts from her daddy, who was steering, scared her. He was begging for them to stay down and stay behind the boxes.
The two of them were in the wagon bed, behind various boxes her daddy was planning on selling at the village. She was confused because her parents said traveling with other merchants would mean that people wouldn’t attack them. Now they were trying to get away from evil men, who were shooting arrows at them.
“Damn those Lunar Empire soldiers!” Her daddy shouted out, as he whipped the horses to go faster.
“Father! They're getting closer and I’m running out of bolts!” Shouted Samantha’s older brother, Jake.
Her father started swearing, hearing Jake. Looking back, her father yelled out, “Start throwing out the boxes, and try to trip those Empire scum! We’re going to need to make this wagon lighter if we’re going to make it to the village!
We just need to make it to the village. There is an outpost in the village, so they’ll be able to handle these pieces of shit!”
A bolt suddenly struck close to where her mother’s leg was. Even though they were huddling and trying to make themselves a smaller target, they were almost able to hit her mother. Her mother screamed in fright, after seeing how close the bolt lodged itself into the back of the wagon.
“Mommy, I’m scared!!” Samantha cried out to her mother, burying her face into her mother’s arm.
Her mother patted her head and tried to say in a firm voice, “It’ll be alright, my baby. Daddy will get us to the village, and we’ll be safe.”
From the way her mother was talking, she could tell that they were probably going to be caught by the bad men. She cried, not wanting to think about what was going to happen.
Samantha felt a sudden lurch, as the wagon dangerously weaved causing one side to lift off of the ground before striking the ground. A strange whining noise was heard on the side that lifted up.
“What are you guys doing!?” Her father yelled out.
She heard a voice call out, belonging to one of the other merchants, “I’m sorry Carl! We have to think about our family!”
There were more voices shouting to continue tossing crates from the back. It was even worse hearing how callous they sounded, people that had kept her family company around the group campfire.
“Stop it! You're going to make the horses trip if you keep tossing your boxes!!” Her daddy tried to reason with them.
There was another lurch of the wagon, dodging another box the merchant was throwing. The lack of the wagon tilting was a relief, confirming how good of a driver her father was.
The relief was replaced with the scared voice of her daddy yelling out, “BRACE YOURSELF!”
It felt like the world had suddenly flipped upside down and all of them were violently flung out of the wagon. Her mother managed to hold on to her. Everything felt like it had slowed down but soon she felt the two of them hit the grassy ground.
They rolled and slid several feet before finally stopping. The entire world felt like it was out of control. Samantha didn’t know how long she laid there her body feeling numb, but she soon heard her mother's terrified voice.
“B-by, -re you a-righ-?!” Her mother frantically called out, stumbling towards where Samantha lay on the ground. Reaching where Samantha was, her mother tripped and landed next to her.
The words were jumbled, not making sense as she was overcome with dizziness.
“Mommy, w-wha-what ha-happened?” She tried to speak, but it felt like her mind was full of wool. The world slowly stopped spinning.
Trying to get up but failing, she saw her brother and father holding their swords. In front of them were the bad men, slowly approaching them on their horses.
“Seems like all of them survived!” Yelled out the man in the front, while the others laughed. “I was worried that I was going to have to fuck a corpse, today!” This made the other men laugh louder.
"How could such evil people exist in the world?" Samantha wondered, terrified of what was about to happen.
“It’s going to be okay. Mommy will protect you.” Her mother said to her. The arms that held her shook in fear.
“Molly! Jake and I will hold them off. You need to take Samantha and run to the village.” Her daddy yelled.
“Tom, I won’t leave you!” Her mother squeezed tighter as she yelled out.
“Damn you, woman! For once in your life, will you just do what I tell you!? We’ll be okay, and see you in the village!” Her daddy screamed, fear dripping from his words.
“Mother! Please, for all that is pure in this world, listen to what Father is saying! We'll see you in the village!" Jake pleaded. "You can’t let these savages have Samantha!”
It was the first time Samantha heard her brother sound so desperate. Holding her mother, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the men who were dangerously close.
Samantha felt the teardrops fall on top of her head, as her mother started to cry. Getting up, her mother stumbled for a second, and when Samantha looked, she saw a large patch of blood on her mother’s skirt mixed with grass and dirt stains.
Roughly, her mother grabbed and lifted Samantha up. Staring, her mother looked straight into Samantha's eyes and said, “Samantha, your mommy, daddy, and Jake love you very much. Can my baby be a big girl for mommy?”
Her mother was sobbing with tears streaming down. “Can you, my big girl? I need my big girl to run towards the village, where the knights are. The strong knights will protect you." Sensing resistance, her mother urged, "Will you listen to your mommy? We’ll see you at the village after Daddy and Jake beat the bad men.”
Shaking her head, Samantha yelled, “No, mommy! I don’t want to go! I want to stay with everyone!” Samantha knew her mother and everyone was lying, and if she left, then she would never see them again.
“Who the fuck are you!?” one of the men in the back yelled out in confusion.
Both Samantha and her mother looked to see what was happening. Behind the evil men, there was a beautiful carriage with a scary dragon in front.
"Are there more people that'll hurt my family?" Samantha wondered, feeling worried for the safety of all that she cared about in this world.
In the stories, knights would ride on pretty white horses, not a scary dragon. When the carriage stopped, everyone was looking at it.
Slowly, a door opened and out came a beautiful lady in a pretty maid outfit. It looked like she was holding the door open and bowing her head, her back towards them. A man, who looked a little older than her brother, came out wearing weird clothes.
Walking a little bit away from the carriage, the man looked around and acted like he was arriving for a picnic, enjoying the beautiful weather. The sight was strange with the evil men carrying swords close by.
As if just noticing them, the man called out, “Hello there!” Appearing as if he were completely relaxed, not worried about the danger right in front.
Out of the carriage, another beautiful lady came out, but she was wearing a leather outfit. After, another lady came out, though she looked like a regular village lady.
Standing behind them were three pretty maids standing in a line, one of them a pretty woman and the other two looking identical aside from the hair color.
“Maybe they did come for a picnic?” Samantha thought to herself. Looking up at her mother, she asked, “Mommy, are those bad men going to kill the pretty ladies?”
Her mother didn’t say anything and just held Samantha closer.
“Whoa!! Those are some lovely looking whores you got there!” The bad man in front yelled out. “You look a bit lost? How about you leave behind those lovely looking woman, and get back into your fancy carriage to be on your way?”
The man started to laugh raising a hand to his head, saying, “I’m having appalling luck with people today. First, I go to a village that treats people like crap and now I’m dealing with stereotypical evil soldiers. Is there any way you could be more cliché?” The man mocked the bad men, as if not worried about the consequences.
The bad men didn’t look happy at the man laughing at them and turn towards him holding their swords menacingly. “I tried to be a gentleman, but I guess we’re going to need to treat this noble brat a lesson. Make sure you don’t hurt the woman. I get first dibs on all of them, and the rest of you can share after I’m done.”
“Captain, you’re so generous!” One of the men yelled out, among the cheering of the other men.
Aside from the village lady, none of the people standing next to the carriage looked frightened.
Samantha felt confused since there were so many bad men, but there was only one man to protect the numerous women.
“Jake, we need to help those people out!” Her daddy ordered her brother. He also seemed worried for all the woman who was in danger.
Getting his sword ready, Jake said, “yes, father!”
Without any indication, the lady in leather made a big sword materialized, rushing the bad men. Swinging her big sword, the bad men were killed one by one in an orderly fashion. There wasn't any hesitation in her attacks, as if it were something she had performed numerous times.
Sometimes when the lady flicked her sword, she would cut one of the horses in half and blood would spray everywhere.
“What are you doing!? Hurry up and stop her! She’s just one woman!” The man shrieked at the others, who looked like statues.
The lady kept killing the bad men, bathing the grass in blood until it looked like a small lake had formed. Samantha’s father and Jake just stood there looking perplexed, no longer thinking about trying to help.
Even though her brother was powerful with a sword, Samantha didn’t think Jake could beat that woman.
When the captain was killed by the beautiful lady, she made her sword disappear and walked back to the man. The man kissed the lovely lady and then walked towards her father and brother. Before he reached the blood, he waved his hand. Without warning the blood faded away as if never existing.
Jake and her father shakily put away their swords. Both her mother and Samantha ambled to rejoin them, grateful that the two of them were safe.
When her father looked back at them, to make sure they were okay, he saw her mother’s injury. Her mother looked very pale and leaned heavily on her. Samantha tried her best to support her mother.
As the man came closer, followed by the pretty ladies, he said, “Oh my, that looks pretty serious. If you don’t get her some medical attention quickly, I don’t believe she’s going to make it. I hope that one of you is a doctor, considering how the nearest village is still ways away and too far for her if she is going to survive. At the rate she’s bleeding, I estimate she will pass away in less than an hour, so I advise you to act with haste.” His words sounded as if their problems had no bearing to him.
“My lord, please, would you be willing to take my wife, in your carriage, to take her to the village?! If its an issue about payment, I have the money! I beg you, my Lord!” Samantha’s father sobbed, begging the young lord.
Tilting his head as if considering it, his body language conveyed that he found the whole situation to be a hassle, and coldly said, “I don’t feel like doing that.”
Her father dropped to his knees and pressed his forehead to the ground and pleaded, “My lord, I will do anything, if you can save my wife! PLEASE!”
Looking bored by the spectacle of her father kneeling in front of him, he merely said, “How about I do this instead.” And just raised his left hand, snapping his fingers.
Her father looked up in confusion, to ask the young lord what he meant, when her mother exclaimed, “Honey, I’m healed!”
Samantha looked at her mother, wondering what she was talking about, and saw that the wound on her leg was gone.
They just stared at the place that had been dripping with blood and only saw her clean clothing.
All of them looked at the young lord, who was smiling.
As if enjoying their reaction, he calmly said, “isn’t this a better solution?”